
OALib Journal期刊

ISSN: 2333-9721




( 2673 )

( 2672 )

( 2208 )

( 2024 )


匹配条件: “Luz María; Sánchez-Camargo” ,找到相关结果约814268条。
Secado por aspersión: una alternativa para la conservación de los compuestos bioactivos y aromáticos del extracto de ajo (Allium sativum L.)
Gil Garzón,Martiza Andrea; Alzate Tamayo,Luz María; Sánchez-Camargo,Andrea del Pilar; Millán Cardona,Leónidas de Jesús;
Revista Lasallista de Investigación , 2011,
Abstract: introduction. spray-dryer microencapsulation is one of the most important techniques in the most recent decade to preserve the active principles of natural compounds that are used as food additives. garlic oleoresin has been one of the most used additives in meat industries, but it requires a conservation method to preserve the stability of its bioactive and aromatic compounds, and spray-dryer microencapsulation is one of the best options for such preservation. objective. to evaluate the best encapsulants mixture to elongate the conservation of the bioactive and aromatic compounds of garlic oleoresin incorporated in a sausage product, but they must also have a better sensory acceptance. methodology. the encapsulants used were: modified starch, acacia gum resin and a commercial mixture of gums in a 3:1 relation (oleoresin as an encapsulant) at 180°c, 600l/h and 30 ml/min. a mixture design was used to find the best relation of encapsulants and the response variables were the lowest percentage of bioactive compounds loss, determined by gc-ms, and the best response of the descriptors in the sensory analysis. the size of the microcapsules was made through sem. results. the optimal mixture of encapsulants, according to the response surface (quadratic), was that between 0% and 10.38% for the mixture of gums, tecnazul and the values within 79,62% and 90% for the modified starch, for the 20 and 0 days, respectively, and in absence of acacia gum resin because it has the best conservation of diallyl disulfide, di-2-propenyl trisulfide, di-2-propenyl tetrasulfide and the descriptors (garlic favor, characteristic aroma, meat favor, objectionable favor and color) in the sausage are similar to the most used reference standard in the market. the microcapsules had sizes between 10μ y 35μ. conclusion. a mixture of modified starch and the mixture of gums had better characteristics in the final product, allowing widening the use of other encapsulants for the garlic extract, different f
Secado por aspersión: una alternativa para la conservación de los compuestos bioactivos y aromáticos del extracto de ajo (Allium sativum L.)
Martiza Andrea Gil Garzón,Luz María Alzate Tamayo,Andrea del Pilar Sánchez-Camargo,Leónidas de Jesús Millán Cardona
Revista Lasallista de Investigación , 2011,
Abstract: Introducción. La microencapsulación por spray-dryer es una de las técnicas más importantes en la última década para la conservación de los principios activos de compuestos naturales que son empleados como aditivos alimentarios. La oleorresina de ajo ha sido uno de los aditivos más empleados en la industria cárnica, pero requiere de métodos de conservación para garantizar la estabilidad de sus compuestos bioactivos y aromáticos, y es la microencapsulación por spray-dryer una de las mejores opciones. Objetivo. Evaluar la mejor mezcla de encapsulantes que prolonguen la conservación de los compuestos bioactivos y aromáticos de la oleorresina de ajo incorporada en un producto embutido y que sea de mayor aceptación sensorial. Metodología. Los encapsulantes empleados fueron: almidón modificado, goma acacia y una mezcla comercial de gomas en una relación 3:1 (encapsulante: oleorresina) a 180°C, 600L/h y 30 mL/min; se empleó un dise o de mezclas para encontrar la mejor relación de encapsulantes; las variables respuesta fueron el menor porcentaje de pérdida de los compuestos bioactivos determinados por GC-MS y la mejor respuesta de los descriptores en el análisis sensorial. El tama o de las microcápsulas se realizó por SEM. Resultados. La mezcla optima de encapsulantes de acuerdo con la superficie de respuesta (cuadrática) estuvo entre 0% y 10.38% para la mezcla de gomas, Tecnazul y los valores comprendidos entre 79,62% y 90% para el almidón modificado, para los días 20 y 0, respectivamente, y en ausencia de goma acacia, por presentar la mayor conservación del disulfuro de dialilo, di-2-propenil trisulfuro, di-2-propenil tetrasulfuro y los descriptores (sabor a ajo, olor aroma característico, sabor cárnico, sabor objetable y color) en el producto embutido, similares al estándar de referencia más empleado comercialmente. Las microcápsulas presentaron tama os entre 10 y 35 . Conclusión. Una mezcla entre el almidón modificado y la mezcla de gomas presentó mejores características en el producto final, lo que permite ampliar el uso a otros encapsulantes para el extracto de ajo diferente a la goma acacia que es considerada de alto valor comercial y difícil consecución.
Supercritical CO2 extraction of raw propolis and its dry ethanolic extract
Paviani, L. C.;Saito, E.;Dariva, C.;Marcucci, M. C.;Sánchez-Camargo, A. P.;Cabral, F. A.;
Brazilian Journal of Chemical Engineering , 2012, DOI: 10.1590/S0104-66322012000200005
Abstract: three types of propolis extract were prepared and analyzed with respect to their global extraction yields and with respect to the concentration of the following markers: 3,5-diprenyl-4-hydroxycinnamic acid; 3-prenyl-4-hydroxycinnamic acid; 4-hydroxycinnamic acid and 4-methoxy-3,5,7-trihydroxyflavone. the extract eep (ethanolic extract of propolis) was obtained by the conventional method from raw propolis using ethanol as solvent. the extracts (sfe) were obtained by supercritical solvent extraction from the raw propolis using supercritical carbon dioxide (sc-co2), with and without the addition of ethanol as a co-solvent. the fractionated supercritical extracts (fsce) were obtained by fractionation (extract and raffinate) of the dry eep with sc-co2. eep yields of 39.5% were obtained and maximum global extraction yields were 7.3% for sfe with no co-solvent, 51% for sfe with 15% ethanol and 18% for the fsce extract fraction. the concentrations of the markers in the different extracts differed as a function of the operational parameters, indicating that the addition of co-solvent and the selectivity of sc-co2 could be manipulated so as to obtain extracts with the yields and concentrations of interest.
Assessment of the Acoustic Impact of Wind Farm Projects: Methodology and Case  [PDF]
Jose Molina-Ruiz, Mari Luz García-Lorenzo, María José Martínez-Sánchez, Diego Gallego
Journal of Geoscience and Environment Protection (GEP) , 2018, DOI: 10.4236/gep.2018.61007
Abstract: Wind energy is a clean renewable and its benefits are considered greater than the disadvantages. However, even though wind farms represent environmentally friendly projects, they frequently generate public resistance. Wind turbines are socially controversial because of their visual and acoustic impacts. The aim of this work was to design a methodology for the preliminary evaluation of potential acoustic impact of wind farms. Three steps have been proposed: identification, characterization and assessment of the acoustic impact during the construction, operation and decommissioning phase. Obtained results in the studied area suggested that at a maximum power, at 500 meters of wind turbines, noise level is lower than the reference level established in the legislation. In summary, proposed methodology could help to determine and to evaluate the best location for new wind farm projects. Proposed methodology could help to determine and to evaluate the best location for new wind farm projects. Moreover, this method could be used as a consulting tool for public organizations and private institutions, being quick, concise and clear. Obtained results for the studied wind farm project suggested that almost all the area showed noise levels lower than established background noise level.
Cost Optimisation for Minimizing the Visual Impact of Ornamental Stone Quarrying. A Case Study in Murcia Region  [PDF]
José Molina-Ruiz, María José Martínez-Sánchez, Carmen Pérez-Sirvent, Mari Luz García-Lorenzo, María Luz Tudela-Serrano
Journal of Geoscience and Environment Protection (GEP) , 2018, DOI: 10.4236/gep.2018.62006
Abstract: Quarrying of ornamental stone has adverse effects that are both visual and environmental. This paper aims to develop a methodology for minimising the costs associated with reducing the visual impact of ornamental stone quarrying. This study uses digital topographical maps of the study zone and a GPS and GIS application to calculate the extent of the area affected by quarrying activities for each altitude designated in the work plan and to calculate the extent of the potential visual impact. The results obtained applying the proposed methodology for the selected area suggested that the potential visual impact is minimal for an altitude of 520 metres, this being the optimal point for the observer. When altitude increases, the potential visual impact increases and the optimal point for the observer diminishes until the highest impact altitude (740 m) is readied. The optimal point that the exploitation should reach is that at which the values of the diagram generated by the (%) area of potential visual impact and area of exploitation (%) intersect. The methodology allows the optimal altitude to be determined for mining exploitations and helps assess the viability of a given exploitation from an environmental point of view.
Characteristics of SnO2:F Thin Films Deposited by Ultrasonic Spray Pyrolysis: Effect of Water Content in Solution and Substrate Temperature  [PDF]
Mario A. Sánchez-García, Arturo Maldonado, Luis Casta?eda, Rutilo Silva-González, María de la Luz Olvera
Materials Sciences and Applications (MSA) , 2012, DOI: 10.4236/msa.2012.310101
Abstract: Fluorine doped tin oxide, SnO2:F, thin films were deposited by ultrasonic chemical spray starting from tin chloride and hydrofluoric acid. The physical characteristics of the films as a function of both water content in the starting solution and substrate temperature were studied. The film structure was polycrystalline in all cases, showing that the intensity of (200) peak increased with the water content in the starting solution. The electrical resistivity decreased with the water content, reaching a minimum value, in the order of 8 × 10-4 Ωcm, for films deposited at 450℃ from a starting solution with a water content of 10 ml per 100 ml of solution; further increase in water content increased the corresponding resistivity. Optical transmittances of SnO2:F films were high, in the order of 75%, and the band gap values oscillated around 3.9 eV. SEM analysis showed uniform surface morphologies with different geometries depending on the deposition conditions. Composition analysis showed a stoichiometric compound with a [Sn/O] ratio around 1:2 in all samples. The presence of F into the SnO2 lattice was detected, within 2 at % respect to Sn.
Consideraciones éticas sobre el uso de metotrexate en el embarazo tubario (ET) Consideraciones éticas sobre o uso de metotrexate na gravidez tubária (GT) Ethical considerations about the use of metotrexate in ectopic pregnancy (TP)
María de la Luz Casas M.,Rosa María Sánchez Javier
Acta Bioethica , 2012,
Abstract: El embarazo tubario (ET) es la implantación de un óvulo fertilizado en la trompa uterina. El hecho es que el ET seguirá presentándose muchas veces al médico en forma de un isodio clínico urgente de hemorragia intraabdominal. El médico puede dar entonces por segura la muerte del embrión e intervendrá para extirpar los restos embrionarios y la trompa perforada y sangrante. Conseguirá así revertir la grave amenaza inmediata a la vida de la madre. El tratamiento médico con metotrexate (MTX) es un procedimiento seguro y efectivo en el tratamiento del embarazo ectópico, sin los riesgos potenciales de la cirugía. La acción del médico no será atentar directamente sobre el embrión, sino sobre la causa de la patología, que quizás provoque la muerte del embrión. La intervención medicamentosa en estos casos ha sido considerada por algunos como una forma de aborto indirecto y, por tanto, en apreciación de la invulnerabilidad de la vida humana, un acto antiético. Pero la argumentación ética sobre el objetivo de esta intervención puede ser postulada bajo el principio del doble efecto. A gravidez tubária (GT) é a implanta o de um óvulo fertilizado na trompa uterina. O fato é que a GT seguirá apresentando-se muitas vezes ao médico em forma de um episódio clínico urgente de hemorragia intra-abdominal. O médico pode dar ent o por seguro a morte do embri o e intervirá para extirpar os restos embrionários e a trompa perfurada e sangrante. Conseguirá assim reverter a grave amea a imediata à vida da m e. O tratamento médico com metotrexate (MTX) é um procedimento seguro e efetivo no tratamento da gravidez ectópica, sem os riscos potenciais da cirurgia. A a o do médico n o será nunca atentar diretamente contra o embri o, sen o sobre a causa da patologia, que qui á provoque a morte do embri o. A interven o medicamentosa nestes casos tem sido considerada por alguns como uma forma de aborto indireto e, portanto, em aprecia o da invulnerabilidade da vida humana, um ato antiético. Porém, a argumenta o ética sobre o objetivo desta interven o pode ser postulada sob o princípio do duplo efeito. Ectopic pregnancy (EP) consists in the implantation of a fertilized ovule in the fallopian tube. The fact is that EP will continue to appear many times to physicians in the form of an urgent clinical episode of intra abdominal bleeding. The physician may consider then as certain the death of the embryo and he/she will intervene to extirpate the embryo remains and the bleeding and perforated fallopian tube. In this way he/she will revert the serious immediate threat to the life of the moth
Neumonía organizada criptogénica como presentación inicial de la artritis reumatoide
Camargo,Juan Pablo; Villa,Lina María; García,Plutarco; Sánchez,Edgar; Saavedra,;
Acta Medica Colombiana , 2012,
Abstract: the case of a 65 year old woman who was diagnosed with cryptogenic organizing pneumonia (noc) as a first manifestation of rheumatoid arthritis (ra). the patient subsequently developed cough and dyspnea. chest computed tomography showed parenchymal opacities with air bronchogram in the upper lobes. eight weeks later, he presented clinical and serological criteria for ra, noc diagnosis by open lung biopsy, with excellent clinical and radiological response to treatment with corticosteroids. (acta med colomb 2012; 37: 27-30)
Neumonía organizada criptogénica como presentación inicial de la artritis reumatoide Cryptogenic organizing pneumonia as initial presentation of rheumatoid arthritis
Juan Pablo Camargo,Lina María Villa,Plutarco García,Edgar Sánchez
Acta Medica Colombiana , 2012,
Abstract: Se presenta el caso de una mujer de 65 a os a quien se diagnostica neumonía organizada criptogénica (NOC), como primera manifestación de artritis reumatoide (AR). La paciente presentó tos y posteriormente disnea. La tomografía computarizada de tórax mostró opacidades parenquimatosas con broncograma de aire en los lóbulos superiores. Ocho semanas después presenta criterios clínicos y serológicos para AR, se diagnosticó NOC por biopsia abierta de pulmón, con excelente respuesta clínica y radiológica al tratamiento con corticosteroides. (Acta Med Colomb 2012; 37: 27-30) The case of a 65 year old woman who was diagnosed with cryptogenic organizing pneumonia (NOC) as a first manifestation of rheumatoid arthritis (RA). The patient subsequently developed cough and dyspnea. Chest computed tomography showed parenchymal opacities with air bronchogram in the upper lobes. Eight weeks later, he presented clinical and serological criteria for RA, NOC diagnosis by open lung biopsy, with excellent clinical and radiological response to treatment with corticosteroids. (Acta Med Colomb 2012; 37: 27-30)
Validación de la técnica para la determinación de catequina en tabletas de Rhizophora mangle L. por CLAR
Sánchez Perrería,Luz María; Mancebo Dorvigny,Betty; Faure García,Roberto; Travieso,María del Carmen;
Revista Cubana de Farmacia , 2010,
Abstract: authors made the high-performance liquid chromatography method validation to the quantitative assessment of cathechin as a marker substance in tablets obtained from the bark of rhizophora mangle l. dry extract used in gastroduodenal ulcers treatment. considering that this method as such is classified to quantitative assessment of the major compound or active ingredient in formulae or raw material, the following parameters were assessed : linearity, accuracy, sensitivity and precision expressed in its two ways: repetition and intermediate precision. results obtained showed that this method is reliable allowing the compound assessment in presence of other substances, including excipients and auxilliary substances and to detect the presence of degradation products. also, the statistical processing of results evidenced the linearity, precision, sensitivity and accuracy of this method.

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